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  • Meet Kevin Young, the founder of InGodYouTrust.org

    Bio written by a friend and client.

    When Kevin was 27 years old, he was instrumental in the introduction of "calling cards" to the United States. Many of you reading this might not remember when "calling cards" were a thing, but Google it. It's a big deal. It all started in 1984 when the monopolies in the telecom industry were broken up. It created healthy competition and made many people very rich, very fast. It was one of the first digital gold mines. It was lightning in a jar. Kevin's first move in this space generated close to $6 million dollars in one year.

    This experience obviously created a bigger goal.

    He went on to found World Telecom Group and Amerivox, which generated over $650 million dollars. And he did it with a staff of just 200 people. $650 million was alot back in those days. In today's dollars, (1984 to 2023) that $650 million becomes worth $1.9 billion and some change. Put that into perspective with todays value. $1.9 billion dollars and he did it with close to 200 people.

    Kevin also founded "Nourish the Children", a humanitarian organization that has fed over 750 million Children worldwide.

    Reaching this level of success, especially at such a young age, placed Kevin in some rare cirlces with very wealthy and powerful people. And that is where he learned the amazing secret of this trust. The question he kept asking these wealthy and powerful people is what do you do that the general population doesn't do? And this trust was the answer he was granted. And now he is here to share it with the world. 



    Helping individuals, companies and organizations migrate to the private world.

    Through our thoughtfully structured educational videos, personalized consultations, and comprehensive onboarding process, we aim to provide you with the tools to operate these trusts efficiently. Our ultimate goal? To aid you in escaping the control of the traditional financial and legal systems and step into a world of fiscal and lawful autonomy.

    See Video Here!

    What Gives InGodYouTrust.org and our Private Clients the Strategic Unfair Advantage in a Disadvantages Public System?


    What makes the private trust provided by InGodYouTrust.org different from statutory trusts?

    The Private, Non-Statutory, Irrevocable Trusts offered by InGodYouTrust.org are designed to provide individuals with a superior level of control over their wealth. Unlike regular trusts, these non-statutory trusts aren't governed by typical laws that regulate trusts, allowing for greater flexibility and potential for wealth protection and growth.

    How can InGodYouTrust.org help novices like me?

    At InGodYouTrust.org, we handle the establishment, creation and publishing of each individual, personlized, copy-written trust document and declaration. Upon receiving the trust package, InGodYouTrust.org provides onboarding, education and support to assure that the trustee and the future beneficiaries comprehend the operations and responsibilities of the trust.

    Is InGodYouTrust.org only for high-income individuals or can anyone benefit from their services?

    InGodYouTrust.org firmly believes that every individual, irrespective of their income level, has the birth right to control their wealth and govern their own affairs. Our platform is designed to aid all individuals, business owners and heads of organizations gain fiscal autonomy that is not exclusively meant for high-income individuals or families. We're here to assist and empower anyone seeking to escape traditional financial statutory systems and gain true financial freedom and autonomy.

    See Video Here!


    The information presented on this webpage is for Educational Purposes only. The following information is not provided for rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. This content is based on the Trust's findings, opinions, and research and is not intended for any public commercial purposes.


    We are NOT providing legal or financial advice and are not licensed Attorneys, CPAs, Financial Advisors, or Statutory Agents of any kind herein. We disclaim any and all responsibility for any liabilities or loss incurred as a consequence of the use of this information and application, either directly or indirectly, presented herein.