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  • Get an INSTANT 25% to 40% Pay Raise! 

  • The ELITE Trust for Average People

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  • "Learn How to Get an Instant 25% to 40% Pay Raise Without Changing Your Job or Taking on a New Side Hustle!"

    The Secret of the Wealthy

    "In God You Trust" is bringing the same secret, tools and strategies of the ultra wealthy to the masses. It's time to reclaim your birth right and get the same benefits of the elite without compromising your morality and become an elitist youself. Our SHOCKING video reveals a painful, yet beautiful truth that will change the way you see the world forever...

    See Video Here

    It's not just what you make, it's what you keep!

    This Special "Non-Statutory, Private & Irrevocable Trust" can be the key to your kindgom. Its actually the key to every kingdom. And it's your birth right.

    Private Trusts are not just for businesses or rich families.

    W-2 Employees

    Donate your monthly earnings to the Trust and your income tax liability is greatly reduced, if not completely eliminated.

    W-9 Contractors

    Reassign your 1099 pay check directly to the trust fund and it's bank account and your individual tax liability is eliminated.

    You then pay all of your expenses from the allowance provided by the Trust, giving you elite status tax benefits! George Carlin said, "it's a BIG club and you ain't in it." He was wrong. You are in it, you just weren't invited. 

    Who Benefits from a Private Trust?

    W-2 Wage Earners




    2nd Home-Owners



    Network Marketers

    Business Owners

    Aircraft Owners

    RV Owners

    Boat Owners

    And More...

    Donations to the Trust

    You personally donate your income to the private trust. And your other business endevours donates to the trust instead of paying you personally.

    The Trust Pays Your Expenses

    You no longer have a personal income. The Trust covers your expenses in the form of an allowance.

    Your Production is Protected

    This Trust is a non-filing lawful entity. This is NOT tax evasion, it is tax avoidance through a legal shelter.

    See the IRS's definition >here<  

    Ready to have us help you build an impenetrable fortress and private estate, insulating you from tax worries and litigious hands? Dive into the sacred world of non-statutory, private irrevocable trusts - the best-kept financial secret of the ultra wealthy. Your distinct unfair advantage to securing a future that keeps the fruits of your labor firmly in your control in a disadvantaged public system.

    Whether it's providing a cushioned nest egg for your retirement or fueling your dreams of circumnavigating Earth's Treasures, this powerful trust puts you in the driver's seat. The trust, which operates in a separate lawful juridiction, it provides uncompromising protection for your assets, including your income and privacy!

  • Minimize taxes and optimize financial resources.

  • The privacy offers complete confidentially in ALL of your business affairs.

  • Transfer your life's work to heirs with NO probate.

  • Give an inheritence that will help reduce family disputes over it. 


  • See Video Here

    Establishing Trusts In All 50 States!

    InGodYouTrust.org and it's network of private trustees has educated and assisted thousands of people.

    Seamless Process 
    from start to finish

    InGodYouTrust.org provides a smooth and seamless invitation only process to learn and discover the coveted world of private trusts and estates.

    1. Review Our Educational Video

    Immerse Yourself in Knowledge. Begin your exciting journey towards financial empowerment by watching our informative educational video. This comprehensive visual guide demystifies the concept of a private, non-statutory irrevocable trust, breaking it down into easily understandable terms. By investing just a little bit of your time in this video, you'll gain invaluable insights into the workings and benefits of this trust. Remember, knowledge is power, and this step forms the solid foundation of your financial freedom journey. After you've absorbed all the insights, you'll be ready to take the next big leap into securing your wealth effectively and efficiently.

    2. Initial Consultation

    Now that you're equipped with the basic knowledge about the private, non-statutory irrevocable trust, it's time to dive deeper and personalize this information to your unique situation. Schedule a convenient time on our calendar for your initial 30-minute consultation. This session provides an opportunity for us to answer your queries, address your concerns, and discuss how the trust can benefit you specifically. During this exploratory conversation, we'll start aligning your financial goals with the strategies that this powerful tool offers. Remember, this meeting is not just about us sharing information, it's about understanding your individual needs and creating a path that leads you to a secure and prosperous future.

    3. Trust Onboarding

    Once your initial consultation has set the stage, it's time to proceed with the onboarding process to establish your new private, non-statutory irrevocable trust. During this phase, we'll guide you through every step of the process, ensuring that every detail aligns perfectly with your financial goals and circumstances. We're here to support and equip you, taking you from confusion to clarity as we navigate the complexities together. You'll find our onboarding process is designed with simplicity in mind, prioritizing your understanding and comfort above all. In essence, this step is the genesis of your journey towards increased financial independence and security.

    4. Trust Operation Training and Coaching

    Welcome to the exciting stage where knowledge becomes power! With your new trust established, it's time to begin trust operation training and coaching. Our team of experts will be your co-pilots as you learn the ropes of managing your trust, ensuring you understand not only the 'how' but the 'why' behind each process. We'll provide hands-on training, breaking down complex trust management concepts into easily understandable components. More than just a tutorial, this is a coaching journey that empowers you with the skills to maximize the benefits of your trust, fostering both confidence and competence in your new role as a trustee. Trust us, you'll soon be navigating these waters like a seasoned pro!

    What our clients have to say

    I am saving $10's of thousands of dollars each year in taxes and $10's of thousands by sheltering the sale of my company through the trust. It is much better to operate in the private!

    Dr. Jeanine W.

    Read More Testimonials

    What Our Clients Are Saying

    Watch our video, prepare your questions and Schedule a free consultation today.

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    Get Qualified Today!

    Watch our educational video and schedule a time on our calendar for a discovery call. 


    The information presented on this webpage is for Educational Purposes only. The following information is not provided for rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. This content is based on the Trust's findings, opinions, and research and is not intended for any public commercial purposes.


    We are NOT providing legal or financial advice and are not licensed Attorneys, CPAs, Financial Advisors, or Statutory Agents of any kind herein. We disclaim any and all responsibility for any liabilities or loss incurred as a consequence of the use of this information and application, either directly or indirectly, presented herein.